Primum non Nocere: First Do no harm

Well, It wouldn't be Naturopathic Medicine Awareness week if we didn't talk about what motivates us as physicians. That is, our "guiding principles"--there are 6 to be exact. They are:

  1. First Do no Harm
  2. The Healing Power of Nature
  3. Identify and Treat the Cause
  4. Treat the Whole Person
  5. Doctor as Teacher 
  6. Prevention
 I'll be covering one every day! And here we go...

"Primum non nocere"

Across the central tenants of the major cultures and philosophies, primum non nocere (translated from Latin as “first do no harm”) has been a guiding principle for spirituality, medicine and various sociopolitical movements for millennia. Naturopathic physicians embrace the highest standard for this philosophical principle.

We strongly believe in the body’s inherent ability to heal and are committed to utilizing non-toxic and non-invasive medicines that promote physiologic balance rather than those that ‘override’ biological functions. Although it is true that we are dedicated to the usefulness of natural remedies, we realize that even the mildest substance may be harmful when used indiscriminately. To ensure ‘no harm,’ we must meticulously consider every course of action and every treatment choice for each patient. For instance, a high quality multi-vitamin is a great idea for pregnant women who need extra nutrients for a growing baby. However, for other patients, something as ‘simple’ as a multi-vitamin can place extra demands on a system already struggling to process the world. Rather than providing essential nutrients, it would, in fact, have the opposite effect of further clogging an already overburdened system.

With this principle in mind, we must also consider which symptoms need to be expressed by the body, and which symptoms need to be addressed by the physician. Thus, a naturopathic doctors methods are based on a deep trust in the body’s natural ability to heal. Time and again, we see that staying ‘out of the way’ of the healing process is one of the most powerful ways to enhance the body’s capacity to return to balance. Take, for example, the joint pain of a patient with rheumatoid arthritis. Suppressing this pain through the indiscriminate use of palliative medications (over the counter, pharmaceutical or natural) will actually increase their risk of further joint degeneration (Why put a band-aid over a broken bone!). In this case, the patient has not altered the original factors that contributed to the development of the disease.

Another vital component of doing no harm is considering the long-term impact of our recommendations on both our patients and on the environment. We are passionate about choosing medicines that are easily assimilated by the body with no risk of harmful side effects. Additionally, we promote daily lifestyle habits that not only leave you feeling nourished and energized, but that also minimize your environmental impact on the local community.


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