The Importance of Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It follows the longest period of time you would normally go without eating. After several hours of sleep, and its name means to end a period of fasting, or not eating. Follow the advice here to get the most out of this essential meal.

You would not consider starting a long journey in your car without first filling it with fuel. By the same token, you should not begin a day without giving your body the sustenance it requires. Energy levels are low in the mornings, and your body needs an energy boost, in the form of food, to jump-start the day.

In our busy modern lives, breakfast is often grabbed in passing as an afterthought or even skipped altogether. This is not wise, because eating a healthy, balanced breakfast can have a really positive effect both physically and mentally.

A number of studies have shown that eating breakfast regularly leads to improved mood and better memory. Breakfast eaters also tend to be less stressed and feel calmer. Adults perform better in mental tasks after eating breakfast perform better in school.

Breakfast should ideally provide around one-quarter of your daily nutritional requirements. Skipping breakfast, whether due to lack of time or trying to lose weight, can mean missing out on essential nutrients, and studies have shown that those who don't eat breakfast are unlikely to make up for these losses later in the day. This can have a negative effect on both short-and long-term health and can accelerate the aging process.

Cereal grains are an excellent source of complex carbohydrates, which help to the curb appetite, reduce cravings and are fuel for the body's vital needs. They provide energy in a time release fashion to ensure steady blood sugar levels. The whole grain also prove to be valuable sources of both soluble and insoluble fiber.


  • Aim to eat a breakfast that is high in complex carbohydrates and low in fat and sugar.
  • Breakfast cereals are fortified with beneficial minerals and vitamins,  along with lowfat milk or dairy alternative such as soy, rice or almond milk, these provide a nutritious balanced meal.(and when i say cereal i don't mean the sugary stuff that comes in colorful boxes!), I mean your oatmeals, granola, quinoa, teff, etc.
  • If you prefer toast in the morning, there are tons of different breads to choose from for instance whole grain, rye, spelt. And now there are many types of gluten free varieties such as sprouted eziekiel, and those oat, buckwheat, hemp, rice and amaranth based just to name a few
  • If you enjoy a cooked breakfast, you can make these healthier by broiling instead of frying your breakfast meats.
  • For a light breakfast, opt for lowfat yogurt with fresh or dried fruits. If Dairy is a bother, cultured coconut milk is an incredibly healthy-yet tasty alternative.
  • Breakfast provides an ideal opportunity to count towards your daily servings of fruit and vegetables. A glass of fruit juice provides a useful source of vitamin c, as does adding dried fruit to breakfast cereals.
  • Quick Tip: Next time you have a bowl of cereal try supplementing it with some added fresh fruit. Bananas, kiwis, cherries, plums, or slices of orange , mangoes or grapefruit (you may want to hold back on the grapefruit if your taking certain medications) will all give your breakfast a kick!!
In western society caffeine laced stimulant coffee tend to be the first go to however. can be quite detrimental.  Choosing the right beverage to wash your breakfast down with is just as important as having healthy food on your plate. Here are a few splendid options:
  • Green tea is rich in antioxidants called catechins, which have been shown to prevent cell damage to the body. I suggest steeping green tea 4 to 5 minutes to release the catechins. Another benefit is that green tea has about two-thirds less caffeine than coffee does. You can still get a little pick-me-up without all the caffeine,
  • Cranberry juice, which helps limit bacterial growth, is best known for warding off urinary tract infections (UTIs), but its healing powers may not stop there. The tart juice also promotes cardiovascular health, and preliminary research suggests that compounds in cranberries can even increase the effectiveness of certain ovarian cancer drugs.
  • Smoothies are an easy and delicious way to meet the recommended daily servings of fruits and vegetables. Start with a protein-rich base of low-fat milk or plain yogurt, then add unsweetened frozen fruit, such as berries or bananas. If you’re feeling adventurous, throw in some flaxseed for its omega-3 fatty acids or a handful of kale.
  • Hot Cocao Improves mood and may help protect against heart disease. Chocolate increases the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which is responsible for regulating mood. (Low levels of serotonin have been associated with depression.) Cocoa is also rich in polyphenols, plant-derived antioxidants that may protect cells against oxidative damage that can lower HDL (good) cholesterol levels, possibly putting you at higher risk for a heart attack. Its best to use organic cocoa powder derived from fair trade dark chocolate.
  • The warming spices in Chai tea may do more for your body than please your taste buds. You'll normally see chai served hot, and it's often blended with steamed milk for a richer flavor. Your digestion might improve from drinking Chai because of the many ground spices it contains. Antioxidant compounds in the black tea leaves may reduce your risk of developing chronic diseases, such as cancer. If you need a little energy boost, chai tea also contains small amounts of caffeine.


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